Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wisdom Teeth

My cousin was 18 years old when she had her wisdom teeth removed.  Her surgery went smoothly and there were no complications.  About four days after her surgery, she was feeling pretty sick.  She had a very high fever, muscle aches, headaches, hypotensive (low blood pressure), and a rash.  Her rash was widespread, red, and looked like a sunburn.  My cousin went into the emergency room and tests showed that her kidneys and liver were going into organ failure.   She was also experiencing signs of heart failure.   Her skin was peeling due to the rash and her hair was falling out.   She was immediately admitted into the hospital.  This was a very serious condition that she almost died from. 

Signs and Symptoms:
-malaise (a feeling of general discomfort)
-high fever
-muscle aches
-rash that resembled a sunburn
-hypotension (low blood pressure)
-kidney, liver, and heart failure

What do you think is going on?