Monday, September 26, 2011

Boy Scout

Mystery Diagnosis #2

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lesions on Arm
This rash is typical of the illness the
Boy Scout had on his ankles and wrists.
A twelve year old Boy Scout just returned home from camp feeling crummy.  This little boy was out in the woods in Virginia for about 2 weeks camping, hiking, and fishing.  He slept in a tent and made sure to wear a lot of bug spray.  However, when he returned home he noticed he had a ton of mosquito bites that really itched.  He was also experiencing a fever, sore throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye), and a weird circular rash that first appeared on his ankles and wrists.   The boy also experienced a syncopal episode (fainting) in the shower and was hypertensive (high blood pressure).  His mother finally took him to the pediatrician and the boy’s only chief complaint was a sore throat and an itchy rash.  The pediatrician asked the boy if he had been bitten by any other insects such as ticks and the Boy Scout replied he didn’t know. 

Signs and Symptoms:
·         Fever
·         Sore throat
·         Circular rash on ankles and wrists
·         Conjunctivitis
·         One syncopal episode
·         Hypertension

What do you think the Boy Scout has?

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