Monday, September 26, 2011

Boy Scout

Mystery Diagnosis #2

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lesions on Arm
This rash is typical of the illness the
Boy Scout had on his ankles and wrists.
A twelve year old Boy Scout just returned home from camp feeling crummy.  This little boy was out in the woods in Virginia for about 2 weeks camping, hiking, and fishing.  He slept in a tent and made sure to wear a lot of bug spray.  However, when he returned home he noticed he had a ton of mosquito bites that really itched.  He was also experiencing a fever, sore throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye), and a weird circular rash that first appeared on his ankles and wrists.   The boy also experienced a syncopal episode (fainting) in the shower and was hypertensive (high blood pressure).  His mother finally took him to the pediatrician and the boy’s only chief complaint was a sore throat and an itchy rash.  The pediatrician asked the boy if he had been bitten by any other insects such as ticks and the Boy Scout replied he didn’t know. 

Signs and Symptoms:
·         Fever
·         Sore throat
·         Circular rash on ankles and wrists
·         Conjunctivitis
·         One syncopal episode
·         Hypertension

What do you think the Boy Scout has?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Vincent van Gogh

Answer to Mystery Diagnosis #1:

Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease is an inner ear disorder that affects hearing as well as balance.  Meniere’s disease occurs when a part of the ear canal called the endolymphatic sac is swollen.  The endolymphatic sac filters and removes fluid in the semicircular canals, or labyrinths. 

The exact cause of Meniere’s is unknown.  However, genetics may play a role (lucky for me).  Risk factors can include; allergies, stress, fatigue, viral illnesses, alcohol use, and smoking.  Approximately 50,000 and 100,000 people a year are diagnosed with Meniere’s disease (PubMed Health, 2010). 

Again, signs and symptoms include: constant high pitched ringing, vertigo attacks, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and hearing loss.

Tests that can done in order to diagnosis Meniere’s are; CT scan, MRI scan, hearing tests, and electronystagmography. 

There is no known cure for Meniere’s disease.  However, some treatments can relieve some symptoms of Meniere’s.  These treatments include; a low sodium diet, diuretics, avoiding bright lights and sudden movements, exercise, get adequate sleep, and limit caffeine and alcohol. 

My mom was diagnosed with Meniere’s disease 15 years ago and she still experiences constant ringing in her right ear.  She has managed her vertigo attacks by taking diuretics and is on a low sodium diet. 

Work's Cited
"Meniere’s Disease - PubMed Health." Meniere's Disease. 3 Aug. 2010. Web. 19 Sept. 2011.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Vincent van Gogh

Mystery Diagnosis #1!

Vincent van Gogh
Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear 
About 10 years ago my mom woke up a sudden onset of ringing in her right ear.  This ringing was constant, very high pitched, and proceeded for several months.  She was also experiencing bad episodes of vertigo, which became so severe that at one point she had to go to the Emergency Room to stop the nausea and vomiting.  After about 6 months of these symptoms, my mom had enough!  It was time to figure out what was going on!  She went to her PCP and he referred to to a ENT (Ears Nose and Throat) physician, who did several tests including an MRI.  The MRI was negative and ruled out a potential brain tumor, but she did experience hearing loss in her right ear due to the constant ringing.  

The ENT was stumped and  about a year went by until they finally figured out what was going on.  

Do you know what disease my mom has?!

Let's review the signs and symptoms:
1) Constant ringing in her right ear
2) Vertigo
3) Nausea
4) Vomiting
5) Severe headaches 
6) Hearing loss

What's your guess?! (No cheating).  

Hint: Some believe Vincent van Gogh had this disease and that's the reason why he cut off his ear!